This animated project was a delight to work on as it involved bringing an obscure folk tale to life. The tale chosen was a Brazilian story that explains why the speckled hen has speckles. As someone with a fondness for chickens, this tale immediately grabbed my attention and I was excited to take on the challenge of bringing it to the screen.
To give this project a unique edge, I experimented with more elaborate character and background illustrations. I also collaborated with friends to voice-act the characters and created an original score for the music track. To animate the project, I decided to use After Effects rather than Flash (Animate), resulting in a distinct animation style that sets it apart from my previous work on “The Battle Within“. The end result is a rough albeit charming short film that brings a traditional tale to life.
The goal of this project was to create a short animated film based on an obscure folk-tale.
Illustration, Video, Animation, Music
Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Illustration, Garageband