In my journey of app development, after creating my first app, Remember Me With a Tree, I eagerly delved into the realm of utilizing external sources and APIs to build a fully functional web app. It was a pivotal moment for me to expand my skills and embrace the potential of connecting with external data.
During this period, Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency associated with a sense of playfulness, was still relatively unknown. Checking one’s Dogecoin balance was a cumbersome task with limited user-friendly options available. This led me to develop Dogecoin Balance, a purposeful app that harnessed multiple sources and APIs to provide a seamless experience for Dogecoin wallet holders.
The app’s usability was straightforward: users could effortlessly enter their public wallet address manually or leverage the then-underutilized QR code scanning feature. By pressing the “Find My Doge” button, the app would instantly retrieve their balance. As an added convenience, users could select a conversion rate to see the real-time value of Dogecoin in their native currency, adding an extra layer of usefulness.
Pushing the boundaries further, I integrated the app with emerging technologies of the time. I crafted both a Virtual Reality Mode and an Augmented Reality Mode, aligning Dogecoin Balance with the evolving landscape of immersive experiences.
Dogecoin Balance became a testament to my growth as a developer, incorporating external sources and seamlessly merging technologies to create a valuable tool for Dogecoin enthusiasts.
A Web-App for checking your Dogecoin balance.
App Design, Web, PHP, HTML, CSS, SQL, Illustrator
App Design, Web, HTML, CSS, VueJS